About Us

The Filipino community of San Francisco has been fighting displacement since even before the I-Hotel struggle that resulted in the displacement of 10 small business and residential blocks to give way to the development of the current financial district.

Displacement, homelessness and the continuing threat of homelessness in the areas of the San Francisco Filipino diaspora remains. This problem is not unique to Filipinos but common with other people of color, working class and lower middle classes of the Bay Area.  

Meanwhile, various successful models  enabling housing stabilization against displacement have evolved in the Bay Area itself, and in models that not only  address but solve homelessness. The San Francisco CDCs are tried and tested models done by the Episcopalians through their ECS, the Roman Catholic church through the establishment of groups like the TNDC, the Gubbio Project of St. Boniface and the Mercy Housing projects, the Chinese through their CCDC, the Indo –Chinese through their ICDC, the CHP, SFCLT, TODCO and others. Utah’s model is among the more successful even compared to San Francisco.

The tech boom in the mid-Market transform this area and adjoining neighborhoods of South of Market and Tenderloin as the epicenter of market rate development in San Francisco that caters mostly to higher income employees of tech companies. Many low-income and working class families especially Filipinos and people of color who live in rent controlled and SRO hotels are being displaced. The time for the Filipino community to develop its own not-for-profit CDC for its own people and non-Filipino Americans has come. Hence this effort to organize a Filipino CDC.